Lans Medicum Hamburg Our Team

The Medical Team

Prof. Dr. med. habil. Philip Catalá-Lehnen Medical Director LANS Medicum
Prof. Dr. Daniel Briem Specialist for surgery, orthopedics and accident surgery
Andreas Barke Specialist for orthopaedics and accident surgery
Jonathan Häußer Assistant doctor orthopaedics and accident surgery

Our Sports scientist

Bernhard Schlegel Dipl. Sports scientist / Head of Sport
Finn Meiners Sportwissenschaftler
Janina Schwarzer B.A. Sports Scientist
Leon Höhnke Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Our Physiotherapists

Birte Gehrmann Physiotherapist
Anke Hentschler Physiotherapist
Vanessa Blunk Physiotherapist
Jan Liestmann Physiotherapist
Christina Dressel Physiotherapist
Angélique Hinrich Physiotherapist
Hannah Lorenzen Physiotherapist
Lissa Schürmann Physiotherapeutin
Franziska Will Physiotherapist
Antonia Amelung Physiotherapeutin
Luka Wertz Physiotherapeut
Sarah Bühler Vestibular therapist

Medical & Guest Assitance

Ramona Richardt Medical assistant management
Sandra Fischer Medical Assistent
Nele Sophie Aring Medical Assistant
Karina Pietrek Medical Assistant

Office Management

Geraldine Peter Practice Manager
Debora Aust Employee for medical billing
Alexandra Sladek Office Manager / Assistant to Medical director